Friday, November 18, 2011

Enviro Blog: 3-Hole Location

This post is a part of the TRF 4100 environmental blog assignment

The 3-hole golf proposal is an exciting opportunity for Olds College. Up until recently, Olds College had a three-hole golf course on campus giving turf students a location to practice what they had been learning. However, a new high school has been built on that land. Also, the current location of the Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre (PTRC) is being replaced to build a hotel for students to take hospitality education. These are exciting opportunities for Olds College, but turf students have lost some of the hands on learning it used to have.

Well, that will change. There is a new proposal to build new plots for the PTRC and a new three-hole golf facility. The location is east of the Land Science Centre past the newly constructed wetlands. This is an exciting opportunity for students to not only learn maintenance practices, but also learn practical golf construction skills. The students will aid in construction of bunkers, greens, tees, and more on the golf course.

Future location of the 3-hole facility and the new PTRC plots, they will be built where the field is now

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