Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Been Awhile

Well, it's time to get this blog going again.

I have finished my season at Capilano Golf and Country Club and am back in school at Olds College. My time at Capilano was amazing. I am extremely thankful for the chance I had to be a part of the team there and the chance to lead from some astounding individuals in the industry. I will be putting up soon an article I wrote for the Capilano newsletter summing up my time spent there this summer.

I am now taking the Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Golf Course Management. The first semester is quickly coming to a close as projects are due and exams are written. Here is a quick summary of the classes we have taken.

TRF 4100 - Environmental Management for Golf Courses
Our only turf specific course this semester. We explore golf and its relation to the environment and where there has been success and failure in the past. We talk about Audubon International's Cooperative Sanctuary Program and its potential benefits and we use those principles to create environmental management plans for our golf courses.

BHO 3300 - Project Management Principles
What is a project? What steps are involved? How do you successfully complete one on time and what tools are available? This class teaches how to plan and perform large scale projects using the current industry tools available to us.

BHO 4710 - Ethics and Pest Management
Sure, you control your pest, but are you doing it ethically? Are your practices harming others or even yourself? In this class we are challenged in the way we view management decisions and how our choices can have a lasting effect.

BHO 3100 - Research Methods
Research, not my favorite thing, but it is important. We are taught how to understand scientific research and how to undertake our own successfully.

BAS 3999 - Self-Directed Learning
This class is all about lifelong learning, developing our competencies, and presenting our abilities in the job market. This class goes for both semesters and leads into our directed field study in the fourth year.

Well, that’s all for now. I hope to start updating this a little more regularly from now on.

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