Saturday, May 21, 2011

Turf Trials of Fiesta

I had an interesting opportunity on the golf course. Our environmental coordinator had recently ordered a product, Fiesta, for the use of controlling broad-leaf weeds. We discussed the product and thought it would be interesting to test Fiesta in comparison with three-way products, those that contain 2,4-D, Dicamba, and Mecoprop-P.

The next week we set up some test plots and did a little hands on research. You can find the final results and write up here. We setup two test plots and tested a full-rate application of Fiesta and a half-rate application of Fiesta in comparison with a full-rate application of Trillion, the three-way product that we used. This is by no means conclusive evidence for the effectiveness of Fiesta. Caution should always be used when using pesticides, especially unfamiliar ones, and the labels should always be followed. I was pleased with the results and would recommend turf managers try this new product. Click on the following two links to go to the labels for the products used.


Here are some extra pictures of the research.

Test Plot A
Test Plot B

Close up of the full-rate Fiesta, notice the effected weed top right and staining of moss
Staining of turf was rare
Another closeup

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